Important: This questionnaire should be completed AFTER having received confirmation about availability from ‘s office. At the end of the form you will need to attach proof of deposit. It is necessary to complete the questionnaire in its entirety.

Step 4: Questionnaire for Tours (without accommodation)

    * Name of Organizer (person making the reservation). Has to be a person who will come.

    * Email Address (Same email used for prior contact with us)

    * Cell phone number to reach you if needed.

    If you have Whatsapp, please indicate the number:

    * Arrival Date and Approximate time:

    * Departure Date and Approximate time:

    * Where are you coming from?:

    * Names of each traveler, date of birth, nationality as they appears in their passport:

    * Adventure Activities that you booked:

    NoneRaftingRappelling in Minas Viejas & Waterfall JumpingWaterfall jumping in MicosStand Up Paddle in HuichihuayanStand Up Paddle by el MecoScuba Diving in Media Luna

    * Ecotourism Activities that you booked:

    NoneXilitla & Sotano de las HuahuasXilitla & Sotano de las GolondrinasTamul waterfall by CanoeTamasopo & Puente de DiosWaterfall excursionsAguacate waterfallTamtoc archeologicas siteHealth castle Beto RamoVoladores (Flyers) of Tamaleton

    * Indicate if you have made the deposit, date, total, and the bank:

    * Traveling with a pet? Read the Rules on Pets:

    Message (optional):

    * Attach proof of the deposit. 50% deposit is required to guarantee the booking.

    I have read and accept the terms of Privacy, Cancellations and the Insurance coverage.

    It is not possible to send this form without answering all the sections that have an * and without attaching the proof of payment

    Passenger Name, date of birth of each passenger and nationality of each passenger AS THEY APPEAR IN THE PASSPORT . The information is essential to make use of the travel insurance. If your package includes a visit to the abyss, we recommend you bring a lamp. If your accommodation is in the Hostel Pata de Perro remember to bring towel, the hostel does not provide towel service. Do not bring crocs! Since they are very slippery. For a list of recommended items reviewed FAQ .