We are a group of proud professional Mexican young people involved in Nature Tourism, committed to performing in an excellent manner while you visit.


To guide you safely, on time, and with human quality without forgetting our social and environmental responsibilities.


We strive to be a comprehensive company that succeeds in satisfying your travel needs with utmost commitment toward the service we offer you. Travelling with us will leave a Huastecan imprint on your heart.


We initiated operations in 2001 with a dog as an ally, and a great dream in mind! Adversity made us strong, tests sharpened our business sense. Taking off was not easy. The Huasteca territory was not yet well known, nor were adventure activities. Nine years after initiating operations, we received the greatest recognition from the tourism environment that a business could obtain: recognition for the diversification of the Mexican touristic product in the category of Nature Tourism, awarded by the Mexican Council on Tourism Promotion and the Federal Secretariat of Tourism. This consolidated us as a business and categorically showed us the commitment toward continued improvement.

Beginning in 2010, our profile on TripAdvisor.com started getting comments from customers which propelled us as winners of the Certificate of Excellence for services rendered for the following 4 years.

In 2013 we became the first entity in training and evaluation for the country for whitewater rafting and excursion, which led to the formation of a team of professionals in tourism to service your travel needs, where 90% of our collaborators are trained in the area of tourism at different levels. This year business operations were initiated for our hostel “Hostal Pata de perro.” In this same year we received the recognition from the International Rafting Federation, making us the first Mexican enterprise in complying with the international standards for all of our guides in this activity.

In 2014 we initialized business re-engineering, evaluating where we were and where we were heading. Our logo evolved, and we began to study in detail the needs of the traveler.

In 2015 we initialized work on the environmental educational project and the “Selva Teenek” (Teenek Jungle) conservation, and in 2016 we are celebrating our XV Anniversary in the Adventure Market.


  • En Huaxteca.com…hasta el perro se divierte! la imagen de los guías es muy importante pero jamás será más importante que tu seguridad en el desarrollo de las actividades.

  • En Huaxteca.com…hasta el perro se divierte! Invertimos en capacitación internacional al igual que en equipo importado.

  • En Huaxteca.com…hasta el perro se divierte! Existimos para hacer de tu viaje una experiencia positivamente inolvidable.

  • En Huaxteca.com…hasta el perro se divierte! Somos un equipo de apasionados por hacerte feliz mientras viajas.

  • En Huaxteca.com…hasta el perro se divierte! Importa la calidad no la cantidad
